Tuesday, July 28, 2009

a last minute note...

Hi everyone-

I have of course left this, and a million other things to the last minute.

For those of you that don’t know, I’m taking off to east Africa and parts of Europe tomorrow for the next two, maybe more, months… Thanks to some very generous helpers, Eat to Feed Liberians will continue while I’m gone.

A few weeks back I had a small benefit concert featuring Andy’s Ego and Craig Cardiff. We managed to raise the $3000 I needed to support the program for a fourth (!!!) term, taking us up to Christmas. This show, and the money raised, would not have occurred without the support of my Dad and a group of very talented friends (search Andy’s Ego on youtube to see the show).

My mom will be managing the weekly transfers to Jonah who will continue to buy the bread, oranges and water for the students. Cookies will be on break for the time being, but donations are of course, always welcome.

Some people also know that I have been introducing a new project into the mix… I have been selling purses made in the camp by a group of 27 teenaged and single mothers. The profits from these bags are sent back to the camp to fund the education of those women’s children. It too has been incredibly successful and has helped breath a bit of life in to a local initiative that continuously struggles for funds.

A group of helpers will be selling/distributing those bags around town. Currently there are a few yoga mat bags at Bikram and Moksha Yoga, as well as Studio Energi… More sac bags are on the way as soon as William, the Liberian in charge of the organization, returns from a conference with the UN. Email this account if you’re interested… My sister Nora and I will be manning this account as best we can.

So with that, I have some very last minute packing to do. I’m sorry I drifted off the radar for awhile, and am going to again… I will try to revive my blog while I travel, if you’re interested in keeping tabs on where I am (lindsayseegmiller.blogspot.com).



PS. I have Eat to Feed Liberian tshirts if anybody wants them. They’re dark grey with a bright blue logo on the front… Smalls, Mediums and Larges… $20 donation for a shirt. Email here if you’re interested…

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