Monday, March 2, 2009

here we go again...

I seem to have dropped the ball with Eat to Feed Liberians recently- I suppose the thrill of having something new and exciting always wears off and is replaced with frustration and repetition. I had a pretty quiet January, which was nice after a December packed full of baking, and February just seemed to happen and pass. That being said, I’m back up and going now that March is here and I’m in the home stretch for school, so here is what is in the works…

Cookies, as always, will be made. I’m hoping to take a few people up on some baking offers so that I can start spitting out crazy amounts of cookies again. For March, I’m making at the following kinds (half dozen for $5, dozen for $10 again, baked or frozen). Order up (see below) and pass the site on to any cookie loving friends-

I’m also looking into making t-shirts. I made a few a couple weeks ago and didn’t plan to sell them but they worked out really well so I’m going to expand that. I need to work out details of buying in bulk (any ideas out there?) and then I’ll try and come up with some kind of ordering system. The ones in circulation right now are dark grey with a bright blue logo. Thank you Eric and Brock for making those happen-

I’m working out the details of putting a few events together to raise money. With absolutely nothing to do come April, I think it would be a fun way to spread the word, raise a bit of money, and have fun… I’m just beginning to shape ideas there so, if anybody has tips/experience, its more than welcome.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I need to send out a massive thank you to Andy’s Ego (and the Ego Heads). This band recently participated in Laurier’s Battle of the Bands and let me use their performance as a launching point to ‘shamelessly promote a charity’. I’m not sure why that promotion was reviewed with what I read as a negative spin to it… I’d say it shows pretty solid character in the guys, but go figure. Check out their myspace page at Anyway, I’ve never sat through a concert with such an uncontrollable smile on my face or been so inspired afterwards. It meant more to me than I can find words to describe (I’ve spent the most amount of time on this paragraph).

So. That’s about it for now. I need help right now from anybody that is willing to buy a few cookies or make a small donation this way (direct deposit, online through pay pal or directly to me in Kingston). The littlest bits go a long way, cliché as that might sound.

Thank you to everyone that has helped out so far… You’ve helped me come a long way but there is still a huge distance to go.

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