Tuesday, February 9, 2010

worst. blogger. ever.

i do mean to do this more frequently, it just keeps getting put on the back burner.

first bit of news, that i feel like ive overdone in the last 10 minutes, is the 1+1=7 campaign. basically, i need 220 people to give me $1 a week to cover all my expenses. if i can get this covered, i can start thinking about expanding to either more children or better food. paypal will deduct your credit card either $5 (for just feeding) or $10 (to help pay teacher salaries) each month. i feel like ive written this out 100 times today so check: http://eattofeedliberians.com/oneplusone.html for more information.

please sign up for this.

having this steady income means that i dont have to tie myself to fundraising day in and day out. ETFL and i will survive and generally be a lot stronger if i can be mobile with it... i love doing this but i dont want to take a salary from it and so it cannot be my life forever.

these past two months, however, ETFL has pretty much been my life. i now have a mini office beside my basement store that i seem to live in all day. its been hugely productive in getting things in canada sorted out, sort of. i feel like there is still piles of work to be done, but i dont know what they are. (blogging has taken a hit because i cant imagine anyone wants to read about paperwork).

thanks to marg leiher, ive started this school speaking tour which turns out, is a lot of fun. i hit up my old KCI world issue's class a few weeks ago. it was bizarre to be back there.. hadn't visited since i graduated (the place still smells the exact same). in highschool i was incredibly uninvolved - my family doesn't let me live this down since my two younger siblings were both co-premiers and significantly more athletic than me (although that doesnt take much). its nice to be able to go back and tell a story that doesn't centre around a person who you could see doing something like this right from the get go. in the next few weeks i'll be at st. agatha and st. theresa showing more pictures and what not.

i can't think of much more to write right now... this office is productive but not wildly inspiring.

and again. http://eattofeedliberians.com/oneplusone.html.

a loonie a week is literally all that i need.

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